Develop and Embed
We will work with you to identify and develop the right combination of social-emotional learning (SEL) areas that are fit-for-purpose for your school, your context, and most importantly, your learners.
As part of your SEL strategy, we will work with you to choose PLD and/or develop PLD initiatives that fit with your requirements. With our assessments and social-emotional measurement (SEM) tools, we will be able to precisely identify where your focus needs to be for each learner, at each year level, based on their developmental stage.
To guide our work, we will introduce our Theory of Impact framework to help you and your leadership team clearly and accurately map and monitor the change that you are developing and embedding in your school.

Assess and Measure
Using our core set of social-emotional measurement (SEM) tools, we will work with you to assess the social-emotional learning (SEL) areas that are your learners’ strengths and areas that need development.
We will help you to interpret the SEL findings — together with other learner data, such as academic indicators, student voice, attendance data, and other metrics — to better understand the ‘whole learner’. By looking at multiple data sets in a connected and relational way, you will form a picture of where your learners are currently and predict where they may be heading in their future learning.
Our SEM tools have been developed — after an extensive and comprehensive review of SEL research and interventions — to allow you to better understand, with a high degree of precision and accuracy, the social and emotional aspects of your learners across their school years.
Using best practices in psychometric theory and design, our tools will ensure you get valid and reliable scores that will give you accurate and valuable feedback about your learners. Importantly, they are standardised, so there is consistency in their scoring and interpretation. The items (either questions or statements) in our SEM tools have been developed to measure SEL areas that are most applicable to learners at key developmental stages and readability levels that are age group appropriate.

Monitor and Evaluate
Our Theory of Impact framework provides a structure that ensures a systematic way of monitoring and evaluating the social-emotional learning (SEL) initiatives you have chosen to invest in, and to understand their impact on your learners over the short and longer term.
We will work with you and your team to develop a Theory of Impact framework for your school that will make it easy to monitor the inputs, activities, and results from the SEL initiative(s) that you have chosen to undertake.
Our approach will let you share your story of impact with stakeholders and help inform you and your team as to which initiatives have worked, what might need more time and resourcing, or what might need to be changed to maximise impact.